At Colonial Assisted Living, doing everything in our power to keep our residents healthy and safe is our utmost priority. So in our best effort to protect hundreds of our senior residents from COVID-19, we locked down all of our facilities over a week ago.
Although our residents understand this, they still crave that human connection with their loved ones. Our residents are grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives.
And naturally, they are feeling the pangs of missing their visits with family and friends.
Fortunately, our Founder Ricki Kaneti is very in tune with the needs of our residents and always yearns to do what’s best for them. In her fashion of going above and beyond for her beloved seniors, this Founder left her own (4) children at home to come in and comfort all those she calls her extended family, and created “Wacky Wednesday.”
We, the staff (with Ricki leading us), made it our joyful responsibility to entertain our residents and lift their spirits in a time where uncertainty and fear run rampant throughout the country and especially for seniors.
Above all, Ricki wants them to know that just because their visits with family and friends have been canceled to protect their health, it doesn’t mean that their joy and hope, also have to be canceled.
“Wacky Wednesday” was an incredible success and was proof that smiles, laughter, and life goes on as long as we have each other.
This goes to show that compassionate leadership can spread light in any situation, no matter how dark.
Thank you, Ricki!