Seniors require individualized healthcare attention. That is why we offer 24/7 assistance with a skilled nursing staff to provide the specific services that our residents need. Our nurses are fully trained and experienced in recognizing any signs of health concerns and taking appropriate action.
Your health is our top priority at Colonial Assisted Living. We are committed to making your life here as healthy and comfortable as possible. Our medical care ranges from emergency needs to regular checkups and medications. We make a point to learn about every resident’s health profile, so we can provide customized care.
We understand how senior health needs can change over time, so our staff will take the extra effort to ensure that you get the best care by adjusting accordingly. We take proper safety precautions to maintain our own health as well. Maintaining staff health is important in keeping residents healthy.
With a healthy staff attending to your needs, you can avoid risks of potential infection and harm. Let us know about your health concerns, whether they involve yourself or our staff. We will gladly address them for your peace of mind once you check into any of our living options.